About Us
Your Ride-hailing App!
Good things happen when people can move, whether across town or toward their dreams. Opportunities appear, open up, become reality. What started as a way to tap a button to get a ride has led to billions of moments of human connection as people around the world go all kinds of places in all kinds of ways with the help of our technology.
Whether you’re in the back seat or behind the wheel, your safety is our top priority. We are committed to doing our part, and technology is at the heart of our approach. We partner with safety advocates and develop new technologies and systems globally to help improve safety and help make it easier for everyone to get around in 84 cities in 17 countries at the most affordable rate.
XXRIDE founded in 2021, is a Ride-hailing App dedicated in serving the transportation needs for Riders with a Higher Standard yet at a more affordable rate and offering the Drivers a very less commission. Today, by the end of 2024, XXRIDE has a fleet of more than 7,585 active and approved Drivers on its apps.
It is not enough that XXRIDE is more affordable for Riders and less commission for Drivers, but also XXRIDE has the flexibility to best serve the passenger needs and demands by offering six different categories: Regular Yellow Taxi, Select, Luxury, XXXL, Family and Electric which also gives the driver the flexibility to Drive comfortably with his/her mean of transportation while maintaining top service, comfort, availability, luxury and safety qualities.
Expanding our services to best cater your needs and building long-term partnerships, XXRIDE collaborates with companies, brands, and global events.